أختيار الاستال من هنا
روسيا اليوم | الجزيرة | ناشونال جيوغرافيك | المملكه | رؤيا | الاقصى | الكوفيه | الرياضيه | عمون | يوتيوب | مركز رفع الصور |
منتدى الجـــــــــوال اجهزة جوال - رسائل - وجميع الاكترونيات ثيمات جوال , نغمات جوال , مسجات عاطفيه , رسائل غراميه , برامج جوال , مقاطع بلوتوث |
كاتب الموضوع | طير شلوى | مشاركات | 1 | المشاهدات | 2340 | | | | انشر الموضوع |
أدوات الموضوع | انواع عرض الموضوع |
04-12-2007, 16:37 | رقم المشاركة : ( 1 ) | ||||||||||||
مسجات انجليزي
to be the first one to say good morning to you &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& wishing you a good morning that no boy would realize theextent of it %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% whith every sun rise i send my deepest whishes to have beautiful day ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ it is easy to say good morning but it is difficult to know what i mean my love *********************************************** i sen to you i beatiful rose to say to you good morning ************************************************ Grow old along with methe best is yet to be************************************************ **********Through all eternity to theeA joyful song I'll raise,For oh! Eternity is too shortTo utter all thy praise******************************************** ****************Your words are my food, your breath is my wineYou are everything to me************************************************ *************I love you ليس only for what you are,but for what I am when I am with you*********************************************** *************As we grow older together,As we continue to change with age,There is one thing that will never change...I will always keep falling in love with you*********************************************** ***********For, you see, each day I love you more,Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow****************************************** **************** __________________ I sketch your face -> don't move -> almost done -> ok its done -> u like to see it -> ***** ( --..-- ) ( -- ) coz u move too much ****************************** ****************************** ******** you know what i'm thinking of now -> u sure -> u really really know -> i'm thinking -> dreaming... -> and ... -> missing ... -> you! -> ****************************** ************************** the word hello means: -> H: how are you? -> E: everything fine? -> L: like to hear from you -> L: love to see you -> O: obvisously I miss you -> ****************************** ****************************** * if you read u owe me a HUG, -> if u delete u owe me a KISS, -> if u save u owe me a DATE, -> if u return SMS u owe me ALL, -> but if u ignore u r mine! -> what will u do? ****************************** ****************************** * ### ### ### HOW ARE YOU ### ### ### ### ### ### the only way 2 keep someone smiling is 2 keep reminding them that they're not forgotten ****************************** ***************************** Erase Message? -> No! Wait! Because I want to say something that's only for you -> () "" () () "" *() ("( 'o' ) ( 'o' )") Take Care Always! ****************************** *************************** Roses are red... Violets are blue... -> () ".. () God ( (T) made ( ,, ) ?)) me ' --.?,?, cute ****** But what ( --..-- ) Happened (-- --) to u? KeKeKe... ****************************** ******************* (>*<) (o", ) (")(")(,) (>*<) ( ,"o) (")(")(,) (>*<) (o", ) (")(")(,) (>*<) ( ,"o) (")(")(,) I can't sleep! -> coz u r not beside me! luv u...! [line] words begin with A B C numbers begin with: 1 2 3 music begins with: do re mi but true love begins with: U and Me!!!! i have 100 resons why i like u 10,000 reasons why i care 4 u and 10 million reasons why i miss u but i just have 1 thing 2 tellu: i thank god 4 having u sky without stars like sleep without dream like song with out music like roses without smell like face with out smile like me without you tell the word 2 stop turning tell the sky not 2 be so blue tell the rain 2 stop falling down but do not tell me 2 stop missing u!!! do not let your feelings like the ground every body walk on it but let ur feelings like the sky every body hope 2 touch it!!!! If ihad letters "hrt" i can add "ea" and get heart.If i add u then i would "hurt" but i rather get hurt than have a heart with out u sweetie'last night i wanted to write you a letter, but all i could write was "noh ss!w". it didn't make a sence until i read it upside down r: is for red. Red:is for blood. Blood:is for heart. Heart:is for love. Love:is for you. You: is for me. Me : is you. ((( I Love You))) you=my honey you=beautiful you=intelligent you=delicious you=sweet you=prfect you=nice المصدر: شبكة ومنتديات صدى الحجاج |
الموضوع الحالى: مسجات انجليزي -||- القسم الخاص بالموضوع: منتدى الجـــــــــوال -||- المصدر: شبكة ومنتديات صدى الحجاج -||- شبكة صدى الحجاج |
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1) | |
المواضيع المتشابهه | ||||
الموضوع | كاتب الموضوع | المنتدى | مشاركات | آخر مشاركة |
مَن.. هٌم ..أصحاب ..القلوب ..الخضراء ..؟ | أنيسة | المنتدى العام | 4 | 28-10-2010 13:25 |
قاموس انجليزي - عربي - فرنسي ناطق لنوكيا الجيل الثالث | البارع | منتدى الجـــــــــوال | 1 | 18-09-2009 12:07 |
أصحاب المبادئ | النور والضياء | المنتدى العام | 4 | 05-08-2009 10:03 |
مسجات فراق و وداع و رحيل و زعل مسجات قوية جداً لعيونكم | طير شلوى | منتدى الجـــــــــوال | 5 | 20-01-2009 10:00 |
مسجات حب@ شوق@ وداع @اعتذار@ عتاب | @حلا@ | منتدى الجـــــــــوال | 25 | 08-08-2008 07:57 |
عدد الزوار والضيوف المتواجدبن الان على الشبكة من الدول العربيه والاسلاميه والعالميه
انت الزائر رقم
كل ما يكتب في المنتديات لا يعبر بالضرورة عن رأي إدارة شبكة ومنتديات صدى الحجاج
شبكة ومنتديات صدى الحجاج لا تنتمي لاي حزب او جماعه او جهة او معتقد او فئه او
مؤسسة وانما تثمل المصداقيه والكلمه الحرة