شبكة ومنتديات صدى الحجاج

شبكة ومنتديات صدى الحجاج (https://www.sadaalhajjaj.net/vb/index.php)
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-   -   Girls&Boys (https://www.sadaalhajjaj.net/vb/showthread.php?t=14471)

حرف 20-12-2009 20:05


Girls & Boys
Girls are always incomplete without boys


SHE has HE in it


Mrs. Has Mr. In it


LADY has LAD in it



MADAM has ADAM in it


HOSTESS has HOST in it


FEMALE has MALE in it so on the list is unending


So No need to proud.....


Girls are always incomplete without

عبدالله محمود 21-12-2009 22:11

رد: Girls&Boys

ALLAH Save You Sister

اسرار 24-12-2009 13:38

رد: Girls&Boys
nice from you darling
the world without man & women in nothing

الساعة الآن 16:20.

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