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رد: محاضر يحاول يرفه عن جمهوره.
المسكين الله لايرده هذه اخرته السكران شكرا |
رد: محاضر يحاول يرفه عن جمهوره.
الحكمه المستفاده
انو ما يتزعرن كتير و يتباهى تاني مره :)) شكرا نور كل الود ,’ |
رد: محاضر يحاول يرفه عن جمهوره.
بستاهل :28_4_11: شكرا ً اختي النور
رد: محاضر يحاول يرفه عن جمهوره.
التقليد صعب هههههههههههههه شكرا يا النور والضياء على ما قدمتِ |
رد: محاضر يحاول يرفه عن جمهوره.
هذه آخرة كل من تسول له نفسه بذلك:077dd:
مشكورة حبيبتي |
رد: محاضر يحاول يرفه عن جمهوره.
A popular motivational speaker was entertaining his audience. He Said : "The best years of my life were spent in the arms of a woman who wasn't my wife!" The audience was in silence and shock. The speaker added: "And that woman was my mother!" Laughter and applause. A week later, a top manager trained by the motivational speaker tried to crack this very effective joke at home. He was a bit foggy after a drink. He said loudly to his wife who was preparing dinner, "The greatest years of my life were spent in the arms of a woman who was not my wife!" The wife went; "ah!" with shock and rage. Standing there for 20 seconds trying to recall the second half of the joke, the manager finally blurted out "....and I can't remember who she was!" By the time the manager regained his consciousness, he was on a hospital bed nursing burns from boiling water Moral of the story: Don't copy if you can't paste لا تنسخ إذا ما تقدر تلصق ! |
رد: محاضر يحاول يرفه عن جمهوره.
هههههههههههههههههههههههه حلوه كتير كتير...سلمت الايادي |
رد: محاضر يحاول يرفه عن جمهوره.
ههههههه الله لا يرده |
رد: محاضر يحاول يرفه عن جمهوره.
http://www.alasad.net/card/images/small/70.gif http://img462.imageshack.us/img462/8484/191pm.gif http://www.alasad.net/card/images/small/36.gif http://www.alasad.net/card/images/small/34.gif النور ولضياء http://www.falntyna.com/img/data/med...1132190383.gif http://www.falntyna.com/img/data/med...1930171838.gif http://www.arabseyes.com/vb/uploaded...1178187289.gif http://xalqassimx.jeeran.com/subhan4.gif http://www.falntyna.com/img/data/media/11/0076.gif بيلســانة فلسطيــن |
الساعة الآن 08:40. |
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